
The Rant – Christmas shopping, I hate you

I do, I despise you – but I know, I’m not the only one. Christmas shopping is one of those dreaded “festive” activities, together with wearing the sad jumper your mother bought you last year – you know the one, the red one with snowflakes on it. To be honest, I’m not one of those with an Excel spreadsheet to organise who is getting what, but every year there are some presents that “I have to get” and inspiration, energy and money are just too scarce.

I personally believe Christmas would be much better without the obliged gift exchange, because that’s what it is, obliged. If someone presents you with, some festive tea towels wrapped in some fancy paper, you must produce the expected “grateful”, albeit fake, smile and reciprocate with at least some oven mittens.

I know I’m risking being called the next Ebenezer Scrooge, but sometimes we tolerate some truly ridiculous behaviour in the name of Santa – and he couldn’t care less:

  • The secret exchange of the perennial gift: When one relative gives you a hideous present, and you decide to pass it along to someone else, hoping THEY will appreciate it, but really just trying to get rid of the abomination. I’ve seen it happen. I’ve actually witnessed someone (no names here, although I should really out you) receive a gift from one sibling, when she once had given that same item to another sibling, 2 years before.
  • The Christmas shopping rage: Because how many broken items can one find on a shop shelf? How many baskets abandoned in shop corners due to the last minute rush? Because how many ladies have exchange “I will kill her” glances when the one at the front of the queue demands for the gift to be preciously wrapped, 5 minutes before closing time, on Christmas eve?
  • The Christmas shopping road rage: normally combined with alcohol, or way too many liquor-filled chocolates. It’s a true nightmare and so many of us contribute to it by ignoring public transport and having the splendid idea to drive to the shopping centre. Oh. Joy.
  • The online delivery stress: this one is a new phenomenon as we also leave this type shopping to the last. Together with bad weather and an increase in demand makes us utter the “you gift hasn’t arrived yet” shameful excuse, and curse at the postman when he finally shows up with the parcel three days after New Year.

And to think all of this could be avoided if we did no Christmas gift shopping. We would have more money, more energy and be truly more relaxed. I say we ban it completely and make stores open for cocktail and cake hour every day on the lead up to Christmas. Now wouldn’t that be festive?

Now if you excuse me, I have some gifts to wrap… oh and don’t get me started on wrapping 😉
How about you, anything you’re dreading from the crazy yet jolly season?


20 thoughts on “The Rant – Christmas shopping, I hate you

  1. I love everything about this post especially the title. I have been called Scrooge as I begin every season with the proclamation "I hate Christmas". When people ask are you excited about Christmas? I say "I guess I'm supposed to say yes, right?" To which they nod yes.Haha, I am obliged to participate because I have children and I do fake it very well for them; however I dislike have-tos intensely and Christmas is probably the biggest have-to of all time.


  2. Nice post — I totally sympathize. This is why, and I'm not even joking, I do all my shopping in the last week of November so that I never have to deal with this crap. But even doing it then is still kind of unbearable.xoxo ~ Courtneyhttp://sartorialsidelines.blogspot.com


  3. I sometimes totally wish we 86 the gift giving myself. Or enact a No-Gift-for-Adults rule. Would make life soooo much easier!Thanks for stopping by G&G;!♥ Vhttp://www.gritandglamour.comtwitter: @gritandglamour


  4. thanks for all the comments beautiful people! really appreciate you all reading my rant ;)Christmas needs to be less haaaaard!And Courtney, well impressed by your xmas shopping habit, if only I could do myself that favour 😛


  5. Cool blog! The word 'rant' caught my eye ; )THANK YOU, FL, for your offer of support and help. Yes I would like to take you up on your offer but for the moment would you mind doing me a favour and commenting – in Spanish – on the post itself? The reasons are all in my last comment on my original post:http://streetstylelondon.blogspot.com/2010/12/o-la-elle-bye-bye-madrid-ello-london.htmlThanks so much – now back to my housework while I try not to let other people's bad behaviour and cruel words get stuck in my head. By the way – I totally agree with everything you wrote here. Our family – and my husband's family – thankfully subscribe to that feeling. It's such a minor thing, the exchanging of gifts – and this year it will only be my husband and I at his parents house – altho he comes from a large family, everyone will be scattered round the world. It will be lovely and low key and not about the bling. Which, if you think about it, is what Christ was banging on about in the first place – and got crucified for those very same views.It's all about love – for all our fellow man. And it's so easy to lose sight of it in the month of December especially. What would Jesus think about all this, I ask! There: that's my rant done with. : )


  6. I like to chill out at Xmas and I had the obligation that I have to rush around and see family. My immediately family are those that I just want to enjoy the company of. But in the past I always had to get ready in the morning to go to my aunts for xmas dinner. After a while I used to get bored doing this every year. I hate xmas shopping rage though, fingers crossed I will soon have all my shopping done.http://www.arashmazinani.com


  7. Polka Dot, thanks for your comment and stay cool with those Elle thieves – You have so much more class :)Arash good luck with the end of the shopping, just some more days to go and it will be all over and time to party a little more towards New Year xxx


  8. We are in the middle of a really bad financial crisis, why do we need to buy so many expensive gifts? I've given my mum a salon gift voucher which means her next three hair cuts will be free (she's been going without haircuts for a while) and I got my brother a scarf and new boots because of all the snow in Wales at the moment which means he will be warm when walking the dog. Practical gifts that relieve the money pressures your loved ones are facing are a good idea.


  9. Great post! Especially the bit about online delivery, my man keeps saying I ordered your gift and they said 5 day delivery but it is still not here yet…I'm like please quit talking about it! The whole holiday is just way too stressful! Alcohol is the only way to deal. Love, A


  10. hehe, got the same right now with my boyfriend and an order he says he placed on time but hasn't arrived yet… and yes I shall be joining you with a drink to deal with the stress, pass the cocktails!


  11. Oh my dear I feel your pain! Now, I have kids, and it's different for kids. I do wish we could just shop for them. Their excitement is contagious. And I did have fun shopping this year, but every year it's stressful. I'm all done with the shopping, wrapping, decorating frenzy, but I was a really crabby mommy for a month. Sigh.Congrats on the Links a la mode!


  12. I will have to admit the whole Christmas present thing gets a bit ridicoulous. I ahve one particular relative who always gives me money. Before I have a chance to buy her anything she says something like, If you need any ideas I saw … I wanted. If you just give the money I will get it??I like the idea of a family secret santa where you just buy one really nice well thought out pressy for one family member.


  13. Pingback: Links à la mode – La semaine de 16 décembre 2010

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