
Blackheath I Love You

I haven’t written in ages. More than a week since I published anything. I’ve been on the one hand busy, and out of home.  On the other hand I currently feel ever so slightly deflated and uninspired.

I’ve been spending a week at my aunt’s in London. I needed a break from the move (did I tell you I’m leaving Belgium?), the tiring decisions, the horrid packing, etc. I also needed some time to clear my head.

With regards to the blog, I don’t know if I have much more to say. I’ve been doing this for 3 years, but it really is nothing more than an online diary. However, when I say “online diary” I’m referring to a full-time unpaid job, as I spend hours researching the posts to write, writing said posts, exchanging links on social media platforms, replying to PR emails, commenting on other blogs. Plus the Spanish version of my site doubles-up the amount of work every day. On the emotional side, I’m coping with a lot of frustration: it’s hard to write about fashion when you don’t go out much (my back injury isn’t really helping) and when you cannot spend any money, it’s difficult to hang around shops to report on what I see, or buy and review items.

As you can see I don’t have many happy thoughts populating my brain today, so I’ll just tell you a bit about my trip to London. As always, I loved it. This time, however, I made quite the unexpected discovery, a fantastic neighbourhood: Blackheath.

Sandwiched between Greenwich and Lewisham, Blackheath has quite an interesting history, and you can read about it over here. It’s quite a pricey area to live in – I tend to want things that I cannot afford, you see. It’s full of cafeterias, which makes me love it even more, and restaurants. It hardly has any shops, which makes the ones it has quite special, contributing to a lovely up-hill area that seems made up for gastro-lovers like myself. I also spotted a very interesting beer brewery and bar which I need to check out one day.

Then, I came across another of my all-time favourite things: cute back streets! Oh, and “Brigade Street” must be one of the coolest names ever.

The most striking thing about this London inner suburb, is the heath, the stretch of green land spreading in front of Blackheath. It’s quite the hilly area and this only adds to its charm.

This is the back window of one of the lovely stores I found in town, a bridal dress shop, with lots of gorgeous vintage frocks… and shoes. As much as I try, I cannot stay away anything fashion-related 😉

Where have you been to lately?

Pictures: Fashion Limbo


10 thoughts on “Blackheath I Love You

  1. I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling so disillusioned with the whole process of blogging lately – I vowed to myself that if that ever happened to me I would take a hiatus but I'm hoping that you don't stop…xoxo ~ Courtneyhttp://sartorialsidelines.blogspot.com


  2. I think most bloggers get to that point from time to time, where you just don't get a lot of fun out of blogging anymore. It's true that it is very timeconsuming, and you get so little in return. Sometimes it can be a good thing to push yourself to keep it up, even if you're not really feeling it, but if you just feel like it all sucks and you're not into it anymore, maybe you should go on hiatus? Like, only read blogs etc until you're inspired again, and don't feel as pressured to post anymore?Or you could start a tumblr, those are a lot less "demanding". Anyway, I hope you figure it out, and I feel honored you looked forward to checking out my blog again, I've been checking in here to see if you were back several times too 🙂


  3. You sound so down.You've got a lot going on in your life. Remember if you're not blogging for money then you only blog when you feel like it. If you're life is busy you shouldn't feel obliged.Have a virtual blogger hug!


  4. Thanks all of your for your kind words, you are all too sweet. I'm juggling a lot indeed, and I cannot guarantee I will be blogging much, or what I will be able to write. I'm taking it easy, taking breaks and not pushing myself as much as I was. Maybe that was the trouble?xxx huuuuge hugs all around, Courtney, Annebeth and Gemma


  5. Nice post. I can relate to what you're saying sometimes about having a burn out. I think the worst thing you can do is force a post because it just shows. I used to post 4 times a week because I felt I had to. Now I'll post about 3 or 2 times a week and generally make sure they're of better quality. You do go through phases of feeling uninspired but I'm sure your inspiration will come back again soon. It's nice to see a new post from you as always.I'm actually visiting London for a weekend in a couple of weeks, I can't wait!http://www.arashmazinani.com@arashmazinani


  6. Just came here to say thank you – your comments especially perked me up at a moment when I was feeling let down – and you're in London! And I'm not (I'm in Florida @ the moment).Are you moving from Belgium – to somewhere else in Belgium? Or are you moving to London? If so please stay in touch. Well either way – please stay in touch! w/thanks, Dot x


  7. good luck with your move, it is always quite the stressful event. but you will get through it!I dont think people realize how much work and time is really put into blogs! Your hard work paysoff though 🙂


  8. Sorry to hear you're not feeling that good. I hope all that's history by the time you read this message. Just so you know, all your research, work and wisdom make us all little people feel inspired and comforted every once in a while. I say keep writing!!


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