
How To Save Money On The Sales – a personal strategy

No money, tough times, lots of bills and house-hold expenses makes Jess a moody bunny. However, the sales are here and, in the name of doing things right, I have set myself some rules. The aim? attempting to not blow my budget, avoid overspending and regretful purchases just because everything carries a “reduced” price tag.

1 – Weeks before the sales, or the day before hitting the shops, I will have a list of the things I plan to grab. There are three categories: What I Need, The Investment, The Treat. The list has been shaped out over time on my iPhone note app, but you can use a paper diary or your memo-tool of choice.

2 – I will have a clear idea of what I will be looking for: I decided to use a site like Polyvore and create a visual idea of what I will go for. Sales are a lot about scanning the busy – and sometimes crazy – store floor and locating the items you want, fast. Having this image in my head, hopefully I will walk in, maybe find what I covet, and walk out, with the planned items or with nothing else.

3 – What I Need: is that item that I don’t have, or that is required to substitute a worn out or missing item. In my case, I could do with a military style parka, something for the cool Autumn nights in Malaga, my new home. My heavy winter coats have become kind of useless. I also require some new trousers, again for the different climate.

4 – The Investment: this item may or not be purchased. It refers to a normally very expensive object when fully-priced, even if it’s something for the next season. This may be some knitwear by a brand I would normally shy away from, or a coat from the winter-stock that normally makes an appearance during the sales. Personally I would love a bag in the Cambridge Satchel style, but this may also be considered a treat, which is the next category.

5 – The Treat: this is either something I don’t really need, like jewellery, or a pink maxi-skirt by Zara: a heavily on-trend piece, meaning I may not wear it season after season.

This is my system, it may work, it may completely fall through and I will end up going for some completely unnecessary Wonder Woman underwear – I really need to stop doing that – or I may be completely uninspired by the craziness of the sales, which normally I hate, and return home empty-handed.

Do you have a strategy for the sales? Or you rather not plan and enjoy the rush?

Picture: Polyvore


14 thoughts on “How To Save Money On The Sales – a personal strategy

    • well Courtney, it is a strategy…whether I will actually carry it out like a good girl remains to be seen 😉
      BUT I shall try to stick to it and report back. Thanks for visiting!


  1. Good strategy! I think written and visual list are great ideas and limiting yourself to just a few treats is a VERY good idea! Since, living off a grant, I can’t really afford anything full price & am def prone to purchasing just off the price tag along. I try to remind myself though, that a $30, classic shirt I’ll wear for many years is better than a $10 one I’ll get sick of (although I only own a few pieces, tops, bottoms, shoes even, that were $30, mostly thanks to thrifting!)


  2. I really like the idea of creating a polyvore inspiration so I can stick to my wishlist (and budget) while shopping. I am going to have to try this one out the next time I hit the stores!! xx


    • I found the polyvore moodboard a great tool. It helped me have a visual representation to go back to, to memorise, and maybe keep focused when in the stores. It’s easy to do and worth a try 🙂


  3. I WISH I had a strategy for sales. Well, I suppose I do. I usually aim for high-quality, even if I can’t wear it until the next season. I am not one to buy things I don’t need. Well. I mean, I need more shoes like a hole in the head. But generally, when I scoop sales, it tends to be something I was watching for a while, or that I know will be with me season after season.

    I do consider cost-per-wear when it comes to spending more for quality. I never regret those purchases. You should see how many cheap pieces/shoes I’ve gotten rid of in my life. If I’d have gone for the quality, I’d still have those pieces. In the end, they just aren’t worth it. It’s taken me a long time to learn that.


  4. these tips sound eerily familiar to the way i shop the sales. some of the best things i have ever purchased were from sales, but i have also made some poor quick decisions under sales pressure. over time i have learnt to perfect the art of shopping in a sale and your tips sum up a lot of what i do 🙂

    -fb X


  5. Oh interesting!! I keep a list of things I want but not so visual as polyvore- I actually only ever thought to use it for bloggy purposes, but you’re totally right! It is a great way to make a better list.

    Love your bit about Wonder Woman underwear, lol.

    My tip on sales is to not be so impulsive. I actually don’t run to the counter once I find something I like I walk around for a bit and visualize how I’d use it, am I buying it b/c it’s pretty or on sale and/or when I get home do I think I will regret buying this guy?


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