life, personal style

Me & My Back – How Pilates worked for me

This article was originally published on The Olive Press on October 28th.

Picture this: me striving to complete my second 10-mile-run of my life, looking pretty confident… ok, maybe not that confident, and quite sweaty, drained, a tad wobbly at times. Not the prettiest of sights. Actually, I’m going to include a picture. There you go: moi wearing an orange top, April 2010 in Antwerp Belgium.

Me, when I could run, trying to look cool, most likely listening to Pulp’s Disco 2000

The first 5 miles were more or less a breeze: my iPod on shuffle, my feet trotting along. By mile 7 my back had already given me a light warning, with a subtle pain starting at the bottom of my spine, moving slowly upwards. I reached the finish line happy, relieved to have ended this self-imposed form of torture, but physically broken. I was clueless of what lied ahead: months of physiotherapy, a pile of medical bills, rushed trips to the emergency room, countless types of pain killers, all culminating with me giving up my beloved job.

After months spent visiting several so-called “back experts”, I arrived in Malaga in April 2011, terribly unfit and, quite frankly, fed up. During a bus trip from the city centre, I came across a sign reading “Pilates en máquina”, a studio under the name Afys. I had heard a lot about the practice, less so about the “machine” part of the discipline, so I was curious.

Enticed by a free try-out, I gave it a go, painfully getting through my first session. My legs were shaking, my muscles seemed non-existent, my strength was that of a fly when the cold starts… you know, when they all fly around like drunk little insects.

How does this discipline work? It involves a Reformer or Pilates bed. You use resistance to strengthen your muscles, but instead of heavy weights, the Reformer uses springs, creating said resistance by utilising your body weight.

Now picture this: 6 months after that slightly embarrassing first session, I hardly ever experience back pain, and when I do, is mild, like a silly headache and requires no bed rest or pain-numbing pills. I can walk my dog again, carry my baby niece in my arms, spend an entire day shopping, walk for miles… and I can even consider running again.

In my case, while my injury is still present, the practise of pilates has provided my back with the strength it needed to support my body. There is a fit system of muscles in place, enabling me to have my life back.

The downside? It is not cheap. However, because of the size of the machines, there’s normally a maximum of five to eight pupils per session, which means that  the experts, can monitor you closely, adapting any exercise to your own body, allowing it to strengthen slowly but surely. The guys at Afys are incredible. They have been in charge of the studio for 3 years now, and their customers are faithful fans, happily converted and hooked to the discipline.

I’m not writing this to advertise their business: I get no money or special discounts for this. I’m doing it because a year ago I was completely broken, bored of physiotherapy, convinced I would never be able to run again. Pilates is not the latest fad in fitness, it’s not a silly scam. It works in toning your physique, improving your health and changing your life. It changed mine, for the better.

If you are in Malaga, Spain, Afys Pilates can be found in 39 Av. Pintor Joaquin Sorolla, Limonar (Málaga 29016) Contact no: +34 952 225 731

Pictures: Fashion Limbo, Afys Pilates
